
We’re excited to launch our mid-term mission program.

Please be in prayer that this work will support local mission workers and their church planting work on Tanna as well as grow Christian ministry here and overseas.

6 thoughts on “Compelled

  1. Hello Mr. Richards,
    I must say, your recent video is indeed compelling and convicting. My wife and I have been thinking and praying about what more we can do in service of the Lord. I’m curious, what kind of people are you looking for? e.g. ordained ministers for preaching etc.

    • Hi Daniel, thanks for your question. Ordination is not required, just people who would be competent to do lay ministry in their local church (e.g. lead a bible study). See the compelled page in the menu above for details. God bless, Tom.

      • Hi Tom, I found the compelled page, I guess I just overlooked it, thanks! You said, “couples with children could serve in other roles on Tanna”. I’m curious, what are the other roles?

        • Hi Daniel,
          When I said that I was mostly thinking of a role teaching English at our college (which would free me up to do other things). Someone could come and do this for just one term and would need no language knowledge, they would be able to use the same 4 month visa as people doing compelled. At some stage I will make another page to advertise this idea. At present there is no housing so the first person to do it would also need to fund raise for a small hut to be made at the college (we actually need this for compelled as well). These are all untrodden paths!
          God bless.

  2. Thank you Tom and Margaret for this most compelling presentation. Oh to be young again!…… but we do pray that God will provide workers for the people of Tanna. Tom. I’ve forwarded your email about the books on scouting to Uncle Hank but, with Uncle Rob away in Scotland, we haven’t as yet chosen out some to send across to you. Sorry for the delay. Love, Aunty Lorna

    Sent from my iPad


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